Focus On The Children Workshop

Focus On The Children Workshop

Happy kids with orange background
Since the courthouse is closed for gatherings, family court services is offering the Focus on the Children class via the online option for the months of April and May. Please contact Family Court Services at (208) 446-1179 for additional information.

Why have I been ordered to the Focus on Children Class?

*”The Focus on the Children Class was created for parents involved in divorce, custody, modification, or paternity-related cases. Often during difficult transition times such as these, the needs and experiences of children are overlooked. The workshop includes:

  • Information and options on how to help your children during this transition.
  • Hear from a Judge regarding options other than litigation for coming to a legal resolution.
  • Children’s reactions to the separation of parents via video.
  • Attachment and Developmental issues of children explained by a mental health professional.
  • Resources.

Why is this class important?

The ability of parents to co-parent during and after their separation or divorce has a direct impact on how well children do in school, in the community and their personal relationships.

This class is designed to help minimize the negative impact of divorce or separation on children at a time when parents are naturally preoccupied with their own adjustments.

This class acknowledges that although the marriage and/or relationship between the parents is over, the parental role continues to exist.”

For additional details and to register for the Focus on the Children Class, please visit:

*The information on this page was taken from Family Court Services

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